Monday 6 August 2018

The War

We were learning how to use Google Docs. We were allowed to write a letter from the war. 

Dear Mum
The food is not the best your blueberry pie is better, but it's food I guess. Is dad ok is he still in hospital . Shooting people makes me feel sick. You won't hear from me for a little while because i am going to a new place to fight tomorrow.
Love from William

Dear William
I’m happy to hear about my blueberry pie. Your dad is out of hospital he is doing ok, but you keep trying and come home please.
Love from Mum


  1. to fern, like your blog and glases cause of the color.and whats your speech about please reply your truly kaylee.

  2. Hi my name is Awa I liked how real the war letter sounded maybe next time you could work on your spelling. By the way, what war is this in?


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